Bernalillo County
New Mexico

HD25 Strategy Meeting – June 28, 2024


HD25 Strategy Meeting – June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024 @ 6:30pm

See Where (below) for in-person and Zoom participation.

See the Agenda for details.

6:30 - 6:39Mic, Zoom & Tech Check
6:40 - 6:44Opening, call to order
6:45 - 6:59List target areas of organizational needs
7:00 - 7:14Assign roles and members for groups/committees
7:15 - 7:19Discuss goals of each group
7:20 - 7:31Chart a course for hosting events
7:32 - 7:34TBA
7:35 - 7:36TBA
7:35 - 7:36TBA
7:37 - 7:39Plan next meeting
7:40 - 7:45Closing

In Attendance:

Darcy Bushnell
Heather Berghmans
Molly McIntosh
Justin Rogers
Michele Benton
Paul Szauter
Ella Joan Fenoglio
Ana Canales



Panaiotis called the meeting to order at 6:44 pm.

Zoom was set up and configured to maximize viewing and recording. Read AI took notes. Heather joined Zoom while on her way to the meeting. Once she arrived, there were no remote attendees.

Volunteer Base Development

We agreed to focus in July and August on developing the volunteer base. Ana agreed to be the lead in this effort and Molly will assist. They will ask Susan Hering and Chris Supik to join them. Panaiotis will send Darcy lists of volunteers from such sources as the May 17 Survey, 2023 Forum attendees, people who voted in the primary, Vote Builder, Team Builder, Karl’s list and the Newsletter. Darcy will compile the lists and forward them to Ana and Molly. Panaiotis ranked the sources in this order: survey, Karl’s list, Team Builder, primary voters, and newsletter. We could also add the people who applied to be county delegates.

Ana asked that the data identify the precinct and ward of each volunteer. Molly wants to see lists of voters under 45. Cristina Parajon and Jacob Trujillo are good contacts for the Young Democrats. We discussed bringing more people into action in Wards B and D. The list will be developed in Excel. Lists are available on Google drive.

We agreed volunteers will need training so we can hold small house parties to orient them to the tasks assigned. Paul will orient volunteers on canvassing, conduct role playing, talking points, and recommends that we go in gender diverse pairs for safety and training. Ana suggested focusing on wards that experienced lower voter turnout. Precinct chairs can also bring volunteers in as we talk to them. Heather is attending a HD30 Cluster meeting and will report back on what she learns. She will provide Panaiotis with some data from her campaign. Claudia was volunteered to organize training parties and events organizing, as well as the newsletter. Any volunteers who agree to take on precinct chairs will need training.


The major tasks will involve canvassing, postcards, phone calls and whatever else the campaigns request. Plans will be developed after the campaigns tell us what they need. Some candidates requested that we put more effort in campaigns that are at greater risk. We decided to help Heather Berghmans and Cristina Parajon as needed, but to focus our efforts on Natalie Figueroa. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez is unopposed so will not need help. This decision was based on the strength of the republican challenger and the percentage of democrats in each district. Justin will bring a list of competitive districts to the next meeting. We acknowledged that Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez are facing tough challenges so once the consolidated campaign gives us some direction, we can participate. We anticipate hearing from the campaigns after Labor Day.

Speakers to our meetings or events

We discussed having someone from Young Democrats to come talk to us. We noted that we have 4 months and 4+ meetings until November. We considered other speakers from Native American Caucus, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, and Democratic Women. We can also let them know that we are active and ask if they have some volunteers and precinct chairs.

Molly McIntosh goes to Chicago

Molly was elected to go to the national convention in Chicago. She asked what our concerns are and what she should keep in mind in Chicago. It appears that delegates receive no orientation. The platform and rules committees have already been selected and are working on their mandates. If we hear about the platform in time, we can share our thoughts with Molly. Justin will meet with Molly to discuss the concerns of the Ceasefire Bloc. The debate has caused a lot of concern about Biden’s ability to win. Another debate will occur Sept. 10.

Next Meeting

Panaiotis will send out a poll on next meeting date which could be July 12 or July 19. The formed volunteer and data committees will report back.


The easel with black marker worked better than the white board.

Directions to Oso Grande Tech Center:

725 6th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM

Text Paul at (207) 812-8932 when you’re at the door. 

Oso Grande Office Map

ZOOM link:

Topic: Strategy Meeting
Time: Jun 28, 2024 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 1033 2267
Passcode: 443746