Bernalillo County
New Mexico

HD25 Strategy Meeting – July 19, 2024


HD25 Strategy Meeting – July 19, 2024

6:30 pm

See Where (below) for in-person and Zoom participation.

See the Agenda for details.

6:30 - 6:39Mic, Zoom & Tech Check
6:40 - 6:42Opening, call to order
6:43 - 6:45Brief tech update: website & Google account
6:46 - 6:55DPNM re: campaign coordination & Super wards
6:56 - 7:00Doors a'knocking
7:01 - 7:10Reports from groups/committees
7:11 - 7:30Next steps
7:31 - 7:32TBA
7:33 - 7:34TBA
7:35 - 7:37Plan next meeting
7:38 - 7:43Closing

Stay tuned

Might Be In Attendance

Bette Begeal
Michele Benton
Heather Berghmans
Jerry Bradley
Joan Bradley
Darcy Bushnell
Ana Canales
Jim Collie
Ella Joan Fenoglio
Claudia Klesert
Molly McIntosh
Andrew Rowland
Paul Szauter



Panaiotis might call the meeting to order ca 6:41pm.

Tech Update

  • The HD25 website has been set up.
  • Tell Panaiotis what you want to see on the site.
  • SWCP hosts the site.
  • HD25 Gmail Account has been set up. This will not be used for email. It will be used for documents.
    • The HD25-related files on Panaiotis’ personal account will be transferred over to this account.
    • Ward chairs will receive the credentials to use this gmail account.
  • Newsletter
    • The last newsletter had 291 opens.
    • The one on July 15 had about 775 opens.


  • We will support whoever is the candidate for the presidency.
  • Claudia has been contacted by HD 28 and HD 20 Clusters for information on what we have been doing.
  • Caucus director of the NM House is Leanne Lee. The field director is Charlotte Parsons. They are doing a lot of polling to identify candidates who need help.
  • Caucus director of NM Senate is Doug Gibson.
  • Candidates’ staff persons are not returning calls placed to determine what needs to be done.
  • It appears that there will be no coordinated campaign organization or director, but there will be a coordinated campaign though the DPNM. The strategy will be focused on key NM house and senate races and on the CD 2 campaign.
  • The organizers believe that if people vote democrat in the local races, they will vote democrat up the ticket.
  • Justin prepared a list of those candidates who need help. Heather will check with the caucuses to see who they think need help.
  • We discussed recruiting precinct chairs. Panaiotis, Joan, Heather, and Doug Gibson walked in HD25D to recruit Precinct Chairs.
  • Data from Lewis and McKinney shows that it costs $52 to get a non-voter to the polls.
  • CD2 is putting their money into data.


People are energized and we must get our volunteers into action. Have people do the survey on online.

Ana, Molly & Susan are working on volunteers.

Molly would like to host a volunteer party.

The Volunteer list has been created and given to Ana and Molly. Please send any additions to Darcy.

Panaiotis, Joan and Heather will send Darcy additions to the list gathered when canvassing for precinct chairs, including Peter Terry in HD 25D, Precinct 435; Bette Begeal will help him. Panaiotis may have identified someone in 25A to be a precinct chair.*** someone identified as Jack might have volunteered to be a precinct chair. See conversation at 47:22

  • Postcards
    • Claudia has 81 people signed up to do postcards.
    • Hold a postcard party with food as training and as building community. The next opportunity will be another round of 1000 from CD 2 arriving around August 1 to be mailed August 26. And there will be another round in September.
    • Heather (Sen 15) will have postcards in September and will be coordinating with the VP of Urban Minded in hosting a postcard party
    • Postcards may be the most effective way of reaching gated communities and apartments.
    • A discussion was held on postcard messages and coordinating with DPNM.
    • We could also do postcards for races outside of NM.
    • A postcard subcommittee was formed by Claudia, Heather, and Darcy.
    • Data from Lewis and McKinney shows that postcards increase turnout by 2-3%.
  • Canvassing
    • The efforts should be coordinated so that people are not duplicating efforts.
    • Marisol, Chase, and Abby Foster are running a 3 week training on canvasing, Sundays at 1pm. If the sessions are videoed, Panaiotis will post them on our website.
    • Paul and Claudia will accompany new canvassers to give them on the job training.
    • One strategy is to ask people what future they want for their descendants. Don’t ask about candidates. Lay out some of the aspects of 2025 and ask what they think. Do not try to persuade as that turns the listener off.
    • Another is to ask how you are thinking about the November election. If someone says I don’t know what to do, say that’s why we are here. Would you be willing to work with us as a team.
    • Flyers. A discussion was held about whether to distribute a list of democratic candidates vs. making sample ballots available.
    • NEXT MEETING AND SPEAKERS **** re timing of next meeting – look at 1:21:38 in transcript- might have been when Cristina or Chase are available.
    • The next meeting should be in August.
    • Panaiotis will invite Cristina and Chase to come talk to us at the next meeting about the best way to reach the young.
    • Heather will invite the house and senate caucus leaders to address us after Labor Day.
    • We discussed inviting members of other clusters to join us.
    • Claudia will reach out to clusters in HD 19, 20, 24, & 28
    • Heather will reach out to clusters in Sen. 15 and HD 30
    • Panaiotis will check the maps to see if there are other HDs with whom we share boundaries and invite them to our next 2 meetings.

You may join either in person or via Zoom.

While not necessary please let us know that you intend to attend, if you haven’t already. You can send a quick email to Panaiotis: Please include your choice: in-person or Zoom.

Directions to Oso Grande Tech Center:

725 6th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM

Please text Paul at (207) 812-8932 when you arrive. If you call him instead, he may ask for a tithe.

Oso Grande Office Map

ZOOM link:

Topic: HD25 Strategy Meeting
Time: Jul 19, 2024 06:30 PM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 959 0475 6387
Passcode: 693206