From HD 25 Rep.
Cristina Parajón
Thank You HD-25!
I am so grateful to have been elected to this position at such an important time.
I am so grateful to have earned your trust and will continue to strive to keep earning it!
I am grateful I have the opportunity to serve in the first session where women will make up a majority of the seats in our legislature.
I am grateful I will serve with my friend Heather Berghmans (the youngest woman in the NM Senate).
I am grateful to continue fighting for what our district needs — good jobs, good housing, and better healthcare!
If you would like to hear more about what we have planned…, come on down to our district Erna Ferguson Library. We want to get your input!

Goal: to gain a better understanding of the challenges and strengths in our district and to inform the public of this year’s legislative session plans
10:30 – Challenge and Strength Mapping Activity
11:00 – Presentation on key bills this session
11:30 – Question and Answer with public
light refreshments provided