Bernalillo County
New Mexico

HD25 Meetings Prior to June, 2024

Agendas from  Meetings prior to June, 2024

HD25 Engagement Event
May 17, 2024 @ 6:00 – 8:00 pm


Invited special guests who have indicated they will attend the event:
  • Adriann Barboa, County Commissioner, District 3
  • Heather Berghmans, SD 15 candidate
  • Sam Bregman, Bernco DA Candidate
  • Tim Eichenberg, County Treasurer Candidate
  • Natalie Figueroa, NM SD 18 candidate
  • Karen Montoya, County Clerk candidate
  • Eric Olivas, County Commissioner, District 5
  • Robert Padilla, County Commissioner candidate, District 3
  • Kenny Scott, County Treasurer Candidate
  • Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, SD  16 Senator
  • Marisol Enriquez, Chair, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County

Take a survey letting us know how you might support our effort to save democracy.

929 Adams Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

The proposed agenda for the May 10, 2024 meeting:

  • 6:30 – 6:39 – Opening & call to order
  • 6:40 – 6:49 – Dan Frampton: what to do?
  • 6:50 – 6:59 – Primary election candidate report
    • Heather Berghmans
    • Others
  • 7:00 – 7:19 – May 17 Dem Engagement Event: Claudia
    • What is needed?
    • Who will do what?
    • Additional publicity
    • Security
  • 7:20 – 7:30 – Other business – wrap up

The proposed agenda for the April 12, 2024 meeting:

  1. 6:30-6:40 – Opening & call to order
  2. 6:41-6:50 – Senate primary SD-15
    1. Effort report – Heather Berghmans
    2. To what extent should we as a cluster get involved? Certainly 25 A, B, & D. 25C doesn’t need to do anything with the SD race until after the primaries.
    3. Within the scope of those in the cluster who want to be involved, how can they assist?
  3. 6:51-7:00 – Forums:
    1. What forums are planned?
    2. Who is sponsoring them?
    3. How can we help?
    4. Who will lead the effort to help?
    5. Who will be involved in the effort?
  4. 7:01 – 7:10 – Sourcing Volunteers
    1. How are we going to accomplish the goal of sourcing a volunteer group?  The recent ward and precinct chair training led by Marisol offered some ideas on how to source volunteers.
      1. Start with Team Builder
      2. Newsletter list
      3. HD forum attendee List
      4. Nov 2023 voter list 
      5. Young dems list from Parajon.
    2. Who will lead this effort?
    3. Who will be involved in the effort?
    4. Develop a strategy
    5. Who do we target?
    6. How do we reach them?
  5. 7:11-7:20 – Voter Registration.
    1. Who AMONGST US is VRA trained/certified?
    2. Who wants to be VRA certified?
    3. DPBC would like to have a list of known locations that have been vetted. Can we provide something in HD25 for them?
    4. Who will lead this effort?
    5. Who will be involved in the effort?
  6. 7:21-7:30 – GOTV vote efforts beyond HD 25, BC, NM…
    1. What efforts are in the works?
    2. How can we coordinate with those involved?
    3. Which campaigns can we help with, including beyond HD-25 (e.g. CD2)?
  7. 7:31-7:45 – Other business, or not

The proposed agenda for the Friday meeting:

  • Quick Christina Parajon legislation report.
  • Revisit the circles we came up with last spring
  • Set goals for 2024. Perhaps we set goals on a month-by-month or quarterly basis?
  • Review this website
  • Review the
  • Finances: we have discussed it but haven’t really formalized how to handle it.
  • Outreach:
    • What targets can we work toward within HD25?
    • Should we coordinate an effort to help campaign outside of HD 25? If so, how and which campaigns?
  • What dates should we propose for the next strategy meeting?
  • How do we, as HD-25, interface and coordinate with Indivisible?
  • Do we want to sponsor/hold an event? Why, what, where, who, blah, blah blah.